How should we feel about Europe?

Richard M. writes:

I was completely on board with your prior comments about (neo)conservatives’ Schadenfreude over Europe’s Muslim problems (since our same civilization and history are at stake). Now I wonder: do we really want Europe to thrive?

Europe continues to integrate into the EU. Their desire to impose the most insane liberalism on others-especially the U.S., is checked only by its power to do so. True, we share a common history, but perhaps our futures are beyond reconciliation. It might well be the case that if the EU had the means, they would impose their insanity globally. I do not wish to see the West destroyed demographically; however, perhaps it is best that Europe remain weak.

Also, according to Hayek’s history, our roots lie with England; “continental” liberalism, a French creation, is the antithesis of liberty properly understood.

LA replies:

I think the appearance of a contradiction is created here by your use of the word “thrive.” Given my repeated statement that Britain and much of Europe are so far gone in leftism and surrender to Islam that they must be brought low and truly threatened with ruin before there is any chance that they will give up their leftism, I am obviously not saying that I want Europe to thrive. We should look at the current political orthodoxy of Europe (as we look at our own), as dissidents. We’re not against Europe and its peoples. We want them to be restored and to thrive. But for that to happen, their current governing belief system must be discredited and abandoned. And that can only happen through the disasters that their own beliefs are inevitably bringing upon them. As I suggested the other day about Britain, it must be destroyed in order to be saved. The only question is, how much damage must there be before the European nations (and America and Canada) repent of their liberalism? The old saying, “There is much ruin in a nation” (meaning, there’s a lot to be ruined) has never never more relevant.
Antony writes from England:

Dear Larry,

You ask:

“The only question is, how much damage must there be before the European nations (and America and Canada) repent of their liberalism?”

In my blackest moods, I feel the answer is either: (A) further decades of mass immigration and multiculturalism that through attrition finally rouse the peoples of the West into rediscovering what it takes to make a civilisation; or (B) a nuclear bomb.

Best wishes (!),


Howard Sutherland writes:

We need to distinguish between European nations, which we want restored to their historic, Christian selves, and the European Leftist regimes (especially the EU) that ruin those nations. Those regimes we want destroyed. HRS

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 08, 2006 02:07 PM | Send

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