You see me on the street, you always act surprised

Jeff has been telling me about an epidemic in Britain of violent attacks and murders by blacks including many stabbings, in which the race of the attacker is never reported. But how could it be reported? Black criminal violence, almost an order of magnitude higher per capita than that of other groups, is so shocking and puzzling to liberals, and so threatening to their egalitarian world view, that they must simply suppress the fact of it. (As someone said to me recently, the common feature of liberals is that they are always surprised.) Under the heading, “The 1000th black crime in a row where the attacker’s blackness is not mentioned…free press?”, Jeff has sent me the latest such story. The perp, whom we shall refer to as Generic British Human, jumped out of a car in Ardwick (described by Wikipedia as “an inner-city district of Manchester”), grabbed a 15 year old boy who had been riding his bicycle in the street, and, as he held onto the boy, shot him repeatedly, in the chest, back, groin, buttock, and leg. The boy survived and is in stable condition. Police are searching for the Generic British Human. Detective Chief Inspector Jane Antrobus, who is leading the inquiry, is sure that the boy was the intended target of said Generic British Human, but has no idea what his motive may have been.

- end of initial entry -

Jeff replies:

I hope the attacker wasn’t white; my credibility rating via Auster’s readers will never recover! As they never mention the colour of the attacker it’s impossible to be 100 percent sure. If black violence in the West was purely an “intelligence” caused phenomenon then I would question why Southern blacks before the 60’s seemed to commit few violent mugging style crimes (as opposed to crimes of romantic passion involving drink). The answer surely involves the rise of the modern liberal society which encouraged blacks to hate that society. Once many blacks felt they didn’t have a stake in the community, anything went. The mixture of black hatred and white guilt plus black susceptibility to drink and drugs was a lethal “cocktail” both in America and here. Other ingredients may have been in that “cocktail”: the inferiority feelings of the black male in particular, the lack of a black education based culture a la the Jews or Asians, the cultural approval of black male violence as a valid behaviour by black males themselves, low black IQ, poverty, minimal emphasis on a religious moral framework, single parenthood and perhaps (this is controversial) a genetic tendency towards violence stemming from blacks’ African roots.

Of course many blacks didn’t drink that cocktail. And were often the victim of its drinkers. And it is still debatable how that “cocktail” is exactly made. But enough did drink of it to seriously affect the everyday life in both the black communities and the greater society. Worse than that, the ruling white liberal elite tried to shift the blame for black violence on white racism. While the white society overtly oppressed blacks and discriminated against them this argument was very seductive to many whites. However, as white racism towards blacks has become a thing of the past in the institutional sense and has lessened greatly in the every day personal sense all the old excuses for black violence don’t work. Even rich black rap stars, a million miles from poverty and admired by many white kids are killing each other at a rapid rate (Proof the rapper was a recent case).

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 07, 2006 12:59 AM | Send

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