How to describe the ineffably bad?

Last week, looking for a way to convey the all-encompassing repulsiveness of the Brad-Pitt-Angelina-Jolie-illegitimate-baby-Shiloh-Nouvel-Jolie-Pitt-born-in-Namibia scene, I called it “Barf-o-Rama,” a phrase I remembered from some 1980s comedy about adolescent boys. But now it’s gone further. The June 6 New York Post reports that the fabled couple—if being on the cover of every supermarket magazine for ten months running is the stuff of fable—charged the media $4 million for pictures of little Shiloh. It’s a Perfect Storm of the Disgusting.

And to think I once had respect for Brad Pitt. (In a couple of the early scenes in Troy—which were the only good scenes in that dreadful movie—he became the Achilles of Homer.)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 12, 2006 12:20 AM | Send

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