Melanie Phillips on C-SPAN

I’m listening to Melanie Phillips being interviewed on the Jerry Doyle radio program being broadcast on C-SPAN. Non-liberal things are being said.

She says, We are paralyzed by the idea that if you criticize a minority, you’re a racist.

She says, It’s not enough to go after people planning terrorism, we must go after people who use Islam as a basis to wage war against the West, who preach jihad, who preach the destruction of the West. Those people should be prosecuted, they should be locked up, they should be thrown out.

Then, prompted by Doyle, she says that it is our own liberal values of openness and tolerance that have made this war against the West possible. We took the idea of freedom of speech so far that we allowed jihad- and terror-supporting preachers to speak freedly in Britain for years. Liberal ideas taken to an extreme must destroy our society.

After the Phillips interview ended, Doyle played a selection of Canadian newscasters reporting the arrest of the 17 suspected terrorists in Toronto. Similar to my article yesterday, “Refusing to say the Muslims terrorists are Muslims,” he mocked at Canadian newsmen for the way they first spoke of “17 Canadian men,” then “members of the South Asian community,” then “middle class,” and only at the end tortuously mentioned the “M” word.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 05, 2006 04:29 PM | Send

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