Bush’s Latino Doppelgänger?

When I first glanced at this photo, I thought for an instant that the man on the right, looking up and smiling gratefully at the very tall Vicente Fox, was President Bush, made darker looking perhaps by the lighting.

Fox and Villaraigosa.jpg

In fact he is Antonio Villaraigosa, the anti-American Hispanic mayor of Los Angeles. My momentary mistake was understandable, since, apart from the general similarity of the shape of Villaraigosa’s head to Bush’s, the iconography of the photo is identical to that of innumerable shots we’ve seen of Bush and Fox, with Fox the looming presence, and Bush his eagerly acquiescent pal.

The picture is made all the more striking by the eerie flame-colored light behind El Presidente’s head and the glittering eye and sinister smile on his darkly lit face, giving him an almost demonic look as he stands there looking down at Bush’s lap-dog double, dominating him.

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Gintas writes:

I think you’re starting to see things, or your eyes are going bad, or you need to turn up the brightness on your monitor. I mean, it’s a high probability that, given an unknown human sucking up to Fox, that human is George Bush. But this guy hardly looks like Bush at all.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 06, 2006 05:23 PM | Send

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