U.S. Hispanics support illegal aliens, pedal to the metal

Sent to me by reader Alex H., these fantastically alarming observations about the attitudes of U.S. Hispanics toward illegal immigration were made by Tom Wolfe in his recent Jefferson lecture to the National Endowment for the Humanities. (I’m told that the lecture is long and meandering; one friend started reading it and gave up before coming to Wolfe’s shockingly un-PC statement about Hispanics.)

More recently, I returned to Washington and Lee for a conference on the subject of Latin American writing in the United States. The conference soon became a general and much hotter discussion of the current immigration dispute. I had arrived believing that, for example, Mexicans who had gone to the trouble of coming to the United States legally, going through all the prescribed steps, would resent the fact that millions of Mexicans were now coming into the United States illegally across the desert border. I couldn’t have been more mistaken. I discovered that everyone who thought of himself as Latin, even people who had been in this country for two and three generations, were wholeheartedly in favor of immediate amnesty and immediate citizenship for all Mexicans who happened now to be in the United States. And this feeling had nothing to do with immigration policy itself, nothing to do with law, nothing to do with politics, for that matter. To them, this was not a debate about immigration. The very existence of the debate itself was to them a besmirching of their fiction—absolute, of their conception of themselves as Latins. Somehow the debate, simply as a debate, cast an aspersion upon all Latins, implying doubt about their fitness to be within the border of such a superior nation.

Well, then, these Hispanic intellectuals and leaders have pretty much the same attitude as the open-borders Jews I have discussed recently, for whom crusading for open borders is an ethical obligation, and for whom any limitation on the immigration of anyone in the world to America is tantamount to saying that Jews do not belong in America. For the open-borders Hispanics, every Hispanic on earth has the absolute right to come here, and for the open-borders Jews, every person on earth has the absolute right to come here. And for both groups, America has no right to have any say about who comes here. It is a position without room for compromise, leading to, and in many cases consciously aimed at, the utter destruction of our nation. It must be exposed, confronted, and defeated.

In the case of the Hispanics, this will certainly require the eventual departure, whether voluntary or not, of all the illegal aliens now in the U.S., since all those millions of illegals are seen by the legals as part of a single Hispanic wave, legal and illegal, that America has no right to stop. Defeating this invasion will also require the radical reduction of Hispanic legal immigration. Just as we should not be permitting the immigration of Muslims, since Muslims as a body are committed by their religion to overturn our political system as soon as they have the numbers and power to do so, we should not be permitting the immigration of Hispanics, since as a collective body (though there are many individual exceptions), their overall impact, thrust, and agenda is to Hispanicize the United States. Furthermore, just as U.S. citizenship should be as a matter of right be removed from Muslim naturalized U.S. citizens whose aim to to Islamize the U.S., as both Serge Trifkovic and I have written, U.S. citizenship should as a matter of right be removed from Hispanic naturalized citizens whose aim is to Hispanicize the U.S.

This is war. But at present it is a one-way war. They make war on us, while we keep surrendering to them. That is now changing, and it will continue to change.

In his November 1999 cover article in Commentary, “California and the End of White America,” the immigration proponent Ron Unz wrote:

… we face the very real threat of future movements along the lines of Proposition 187, each worse than the last, and on a national scale. There are few forces that could so easily break America as the coming of white nationalism.

Let us pray that Unz’s worst nightmare comes true—the waking up from its long sleep of America’s white majority against the Third-World invasion of our country, which Unz and Commentary champion. Far from breaking America, of course, such a re-awakening of the American majority would restore America as a country again. And that, my friends, is Ron Unz’s worst nightmare.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 29, 2006 08:44 AM | Send

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