Senate debate heats up

Michelle Malkin has drawn attention to an exchange on the Senate floor this morning between Sen. Bingaman, who, along with Sen. Sessions, was calling for putting some kind of modest cap on the number of “temporary workers” and their families to be given legal permanent residency under the bill, and Sen. McCain, who along with Sen. Kennedy, charged Bingaman with discrimination. Here’s videotape.

Howard Sutherland writes:

Just watched. Horrifying. In his incoherent, repetitive, righteous sanctimony, McCain outdoes Bush. He has become a Kennedy. Also saw his locked shoulders—he is in physical pain. As for his psyche… HRS

LA replies:

Yes. The worse mental and physical shape he’s in, the more fanatical he becomes for open borders.

Imagine him as a 73-year-old president …

Mr. Sutherland continues:

There wasn’t even a pretense of logic in what Senator McCain said, only aggrieved emotionalism. In arguing that anyone, anywhere, for any reason, should be able to bring an unlimited number of relations with him to America, he referred to himself and his brother and sister: would the Senate accept something that provided an opportunity for him, but denied it to his sister (or words to that effect)? So what? And what is he talking about? He and his siblings are Americans, to begin with. Also, the faux-populism grates: he is the son and grandson of admirals, for heaven’s sake!

Also, I thought McCain’s attack on Bingaman (whom I don’t much care for) was scurrilous, with his snide comments about how Bingaman must just want America to be like any other country, “like France, maybe.” And his overly repetitive kvetching about how he doesn’t want America to be like any other country was insensate propositionalism run amok. Of course he doesn’t want America to be like any other country; as far as I can tell he doesn’t want her to be a country at all. What, pray tell, does he want America to be? And what happened to him that changed him from the Navy lieutenant who was willing to get killed for America in Vietnam to the traitor we see today?

As with President Bush and Senator Kennedy, I try to avoid seeing McCain for the sake of my health. Still, I watched this clip, and seeing McCain perform was very disturbing indeed. That fighter pilot who thinks McCain is insane is on to something!

The combination of the United States Senate falling all over itself to surrender to illegal aliens while the Mexican president proceeds triumphally from one American state legislature to another, hectoring us about compassion and justice for “immigrants,” is sickening. At least Fox lectures us in English, unlike the peons of his invading ejercito del Norte. Are we near the bottom yet? Do we get to bounce back soon? HRS

LA replies:

“insensate propositionalism run amok.”


[To avoid any misunderstanding, that was compliment for Mr. Sutherland’s superb description.]

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 25, 2006 01:00 PM | Send

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