A man and his theme

The last we heard of the eternally young David Duke, he was making a spectacle at the American Renaissance meeting that he had been allowed to attend in February, giving a diatribe from the floor in which he accused the Jews of having “opened the gates of Constantinople to the Turks,” or something. Now Duke is in Syria (here’s a videotape), saying to a cheering crowd, “It is only the Zionists who want war not peace.” Since he’s adopting the Muslims’ view of “war,” in which Muslims never wage war, only infidels, namely Jews, do, perhaps he’ll also adopt Sayyid Qutb’s idea that it was the Jews who opened the gates of Baghdad to the Mongols.

When it comes to the Jews, there is a complete meeting of minds between the far-white anti-Semites and the Muslims. As I wrote this past March about a William Pierce follower named David Pringle:

Just as Sayyid Qutb, the theoretician of the Muslim Brotherhood, said that all the misfortunes that have ever befallen Islam, including the Shi’a-Sunni split in the seventh century and the Mongol conquest of Baghdad in the thirteenth, were due to the Jews, [David] Pringle says that all the problems of white people are due to the Jews, and can be solved by their elimination.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 25, 2006 02:04 AM | Send

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