A statement Rush Limbaugh must stop making

David B. writes:

I listened to Limbaugh and Hannity today, for about an hour each. Rush sounded dumfounded, “I can’t understand these 18 Republicans.” El Rushbo is at a loss to explain the situation.

Rush was especially shocked that not one GOP lawmaker would attack the Mexican Foreign Minister for announcing that Mexico will launch law suits in American courts.

Certain statements should simply not be tolerated any more. Just as the statement, “We are a nation of immigrants,” should not be tolerated any more, Rush Limbaugh’s mantra, “I can’t understand why Bush and the Republicans do such and such,” should not be tolerated any more, because it is nothing more than an expression of his unwillingness to face the fact that Bush and the Republicans are liberals. The job of a political commentator is to explain why political men do the things they do. If Limbaugh is unwilling to discuss the forces and ideologies that make Republicans do the things they do, then he should stop calling himself a conservative commentator and instead call himself a Republican party spokesman.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 20, 2006 11:29 AM | Send

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