Limbaugh: Bush immigration bill would make U.S. unrecognizable

A reader writes:

Rush is talking about how the bills in the Senate are going to change America demographically, its ethnic makeup, so dramatically as to make the country unrecognizable. The Robert Rector report really got to him and the long term projection in that report is of something like 200 million new legal immigrants over the next decades! (Is that possible?) Rush says that’s two thirds of the country as it is now!

It’s time for someone to send Rush Limbaugh The Path to National Suicide (here is the newly available pdf version). He was sent copies of it many years ago, but they made no impact on him. Of course, not only did he not take in the ethnocultural argument against mass immigration, he literally did not discuss the immigration issue at all for over ten years, except for passing references during the Proposition 187 debate. This total silencing of America’s most important issue by America’s most influential conservative should never be forgotten, or forgiven. However, if Limbaugh is now talking about the prospect of immigration changing America’s ethnic make-up in such a way as to make it an unrecognizable country, then he’s ready to read PNS.

As I explained here, Rector’s projection of 193 million immigrants over 20 years is based on the maximum allowed increase of 20 percent per year in the number of “temporary guest workers” brought into the U.S. by employers seeking workers for jobs that “Americans won’t take.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 16, 2006 12:25 PM | Send

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