I still feel Reagan’s loss too, but isn’t this carrying things a bit far?

(Correction. The YAF I had been told about is the Young America’s Foundation, not Young Americans for Freedom. It’s the former that has an ad at NRO for its next conference listing as confirmed speakers (not as “great conservatives”), Robert Novak , Walter Williams, Michell Malkin, John Stossel, and David Brooks. A longer list of their confirmed speakers is here.) Someone told me that NRO had an ad for a Young Americans for Freedom conference touting, among others, David Brooks as a “great conservative.” I didn’t see the ad, so I want to YAF’s website. Boy, that outfit is really on top of things. Here’s what’s at the top of their main page:

Young Americans for Freedom is sad to learn about the Passing of President Ronald Reagan, one of America’s greatest presidents, if not the greatest.

This is followed by a photo of President Reagan and a eulogy. On second thought, however, maybe this isn’t the result of someone simply leaving a website unattended for three years. Maybe it’s a deliberate message about the current state of the conservative movement and the Republican party. When Reagan passed from the scene, conservatism died with him, and the people who run this website are not pretending otherwise.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 10, 2006 03:25 PM | Send

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