U.S. Border Patrol is telling Mexico where the Minutemen are stationed

When Jorge Busheron stood next to his tall soul brother, Vicente Fox, and said that the Minutemen were vigilantes, he was treasonously taking the side of a hostile foreign nation against patriotic citizens of his own country. So the story that has come out this afternoon, while shocking, is somewhat less than surprising. The U.S. Border Patrol has apparently been informing the Mexican authorities about the location of Minutemen on the U.S. side of the border where they observe and report illegal aliens to the authorities (the story incorrectly makes it seem as if Minutemen are involved in apprehensions of illegals). I haven’t taken in all the details yet, but obviously if the Mexicans are being told where the Minutemen are stationed, that would help them direct illegals to other pathways into the U.S. without being spotted by the Minutemen and arrested by the Border Patrol. Thus, if the story is what it appears to be, the U.S. government is acting in a tangible way to support the foreign government that is sending illegal aliens into our country, and to undermine American volunteers who are trying to help the U.S. government perform its fundamental duty of protecting our country from foreign invasion.

Oh, the cold, superior contempt that is in George Bush’s heart for America.

Here is a statement from Rep. Tom Tancredo posted at the Minuteman blog.

(Here is the Mexican government web page from which the information originally came. I’m sure it will be translated into English very soon.)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 09, 2006 05:40 PM | Send

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