Morris’s latest worthless brainstorm

Allan Wall writes at vdare:

In a recent piece of scaremongering propaganda, [Dick] Morris says that Americans must help PAN candidate Calderon beat AMLO, by surrendering on immigration. Because, according to Morris, “A harsh shift in U.S. immigration policies could fuel a leftist victory in Mexico…. We have only to hope that Congress won’t pass legislation that alienates the Mexican electorate and delivers the country into AMLO’s hands.”

Morris tells us that “Lopez Obrador [the leftist candidate] has attacked U.S. attempts to restrict Mexican immigration and will benefit tremendously if Congress alienates the Mexican electorate.”

Let us leave aside for the moment the fact that Dick Morris is a liberal who every day of the week wakes up with some new “scheme,” each one more unsound than the last. Let’s just consider his proposal on the merits. The idea that we have to do what the Mexicans want us to do, or they will get angry at us and elect a president who will be hostile to us, is not in itself illogical. Naturally, people like to have good relations with their neighbors. There is just one little problem with Morris’s notion, however, and that is that the whole Mexican nation is already hostile toward us. And Morris, as a typical liberal, instead of recognizing this fact and urging action that would strengthen us vis à vis the Mexicans, tells us to appease them, thus damaging ourselves in the hope that this will make the Mexicans have marginally less enmity against us than they would otherwise have. Instead of recognizing that the Mexicans’ increasingly aggressive designs and demands on us in recent years have been fed by our increasing deference and surrender to them, and that their aggression can only be quelled by our asserting ourselves once again as a normal self-respecting country, he urges that we make even more shameful concessions to them, which of course would only fuel their egotistical pride and will to power.

What is liberalism? It is a form of spiritual non-being that turns reality inside out.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 05, 2006 01:26 AM | Send

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