“Civil war is coming.”

Edward D. has sent this report and grim evaluation from San Diego. Another reader thinks he’s too pessimistic, and Edward then replies.

The extent of the boycott in San Diego was astonishing. Traffic was so light on our freeways yesterday, one would have thought it was a federal holiday. Attendance at the university where I work was so low that when I walked across the campus at 9 a.m., I couldn’t help but think that it was like the summer session, when we offer just a handful of courses. Students who work for us reported that they went to scheduled classes and found nobody there. Many classes were cancelled. Many students undoubtedly used the occasion to goof off and go to the beach, but that misses the point. Many did observe the boycott.

When I arrived at the community college where I teach, about 6:30 p.m., it was like a ghost town. In the faculty parking area, more than half the spaces were empty and remained so throughout the evening.

Today’s San Diego Union Tribune is reporting remarkable absentee rates yesterday in most of the county’s school districts. Other news sources reported many shops and businesses closed.

Talking heads miss the point when they say the boycott had negligible economic impacts.

What one must acknowledge is that we are a fragmented, balkanized, failing power. Hostile crowds openly defy our laws and exert an ever tightening grip on the life of this country. Our elites betray us without hesitation. I attended a meeting with my congressional representative, Susan Davis, this past Saturday. We immigration activists hammered her for two hours. It made no difference. I openly warned her that massive civil war was coming. She smiled and made it clear she will vote for amnesty. We don’t matter, because we obey the law. We don’t matter because we are polite and usually civil. All of this is factored into the elites’ political calculus as weakness. Those hordes in the streets have come to the same conclusion.

The law doesn’t matter anymore. In the Disunited Nations of America, consensus is no longer possible.

Those who say vote the bastards out are forgetting something. The elites take care of their own. When Spencer Abraham was defeated and lost his seat cushion in the Senate, what happened to him? He parachuted into the Secretary of Energy pigeon hole. Job loss is not a threat. They will usually find better paying work outside of Congress as lobbyists.

My only question now is the loyalty of the officer corps of the armed forces. They see what is happening. They know where things are going. What does the oath of loyalty to the Constitution entail when the civilian leadership from whom they take orders has essentially taken the position that the basic charter is null and void when they find it inconvenient to defend the country?

Our country is slipping away from us very quickly. How much longer can the Union last? Civil war is coming.


Ryan M writes:

I couldn’t help responding to your San Diego correspondent. With respect to civil War: Let it come! Let-it-come! Edward D. predicts civil war like some sort of gloomy forecast. These folks are not at all as fearsome as he imagines. Not by a long shot. They are only emboldened because they are not meeting any resistance. I suggest visiting a Mexican neighborhood. They’re just … people. Look at them. Talk to them. Eat their food. Not very exciting. Well, some of the food isn’t bad. If there were some sort of civil disturbance I for one will take off my shirt, don a Japanese “Noh” mask and jump out from around corners shouting “Boo!” These miserable “invaders” will expire from sheer fright. Chin up. Chin up. We are extremely fortunate to be alive in these difficult times. Let all of our best qualities shine forth!

Edward replies:

So, Ryan M. thinks that the Mexican invaders will die of fright when he squawks from behind his Noh mask, huh? I only need to eat a few tacos and habla un poco Espanol con los vatos? Here are the facts.

I was born in East LA and lived there for the first nine years of my life. I have returned there many times over the decades to visit relatives who have remained in the area. My mother is part Hispanic and I ate plenty of sopa con arroz y enchiladas con mole. So I know the sights and smells. I happen to identify more with my Sicilian father and his ethnic ancestry.

Yes, Mexicans and citizens of Mexican lineage are just people. So what? That doesn’t diminish the fact that a significant minority are involved in gang and violent criminal activity. It also shouldn’t obscure the reality that a large portion of these people feel alienated from the dominant culture and have made it explicitly clear that they will do as they please, regardless of what the laws say.

Ryan is certainly free to travel to Los Angeles or San Diego and tell members of the LAPD or SDPD that they need only don theatrical masks and make funny noises. My friends in the San Diego Police Department can use a good laugh. Then they’ll tell Ryan the facts. Thousands of illegal aliens and their citizen cousins are in our prisons for violent crimes. Vast areas are effectively controlled by the gangs. There are neighborhoods into which the police only enter in squad or platoon strength. Why? Because the gangbangers are armed to the teeth, often better armed than the police themselves.

The ethnic cousins of these bad boys have infiltrated our political and academic institutions where they openly advance the interests of their kin on an explicitly ethnic and racial basis, while screaming racism at the slightest hint of resistance. Their “learned” teachers tell them that this land is stolen and that they are rightfully taking back what is theirs. Has Ryan not seen the posters and signs at the rallies?

Bottom line: there now exist within our borders visions of how a country should be organized and who should comprise the population of the society that are fundamentally incompatible. Those who stand against us, engaging in the adaptive guerrilla techniques of Fourth Generation warfare, have made nearly impossible the measures needed to deal with the invasion. What follows? Civil war. If problems can’t be solved peacefully and within the regime of law, then they will be solved by force.

I suggest that Ryan remove his mask. It’s hampering both his vision and his judgment.


P.S. Note this article from the Chicago Sun-Times which investigates rising evidence of gang activity in the armed forces. Note the comments about how the gangs are deliberately infiltrating their followers in order to learn urban warfare techniques and to procure military equipment.

Ryan replies:

I very much appreciate Edward’s thoughtful response to the somewhat glib e-mail I sent earlier. I didn’t intend it as any sort of comprehensive worldview or bottom-line analysis of the prospect of civil strife. Nor was it an attack on Edward. It was more of a general sentiment in response to what I felt was a rather dour forecast. Will we deny ourselves optimism?

I am also impressed with Edward’s street credentials. I feel compelled to note, however that I am not living in a bubble myself. I have lived and worked in Chicago my entire life. Most of it on the South Side. Yes, I dropped out of high school early on. Yes, I now have a graduate degree. Yes, I had a few tough guy friends who were either shot or imprisoned before they were old enough to buy beer. Yes, I take the subway. Even at nite! Shudder. Yes, I am entirely familiar with enormous stormtrooper cops in black riot gear. Yes, I knew two Chicago coppers when I was in school. One a detective and the other assigned to protect Mayor Daley. Peerless guys. If they had anything in common it might be that they both possessed a native—optimism.

What I am saying is that I am not prepared to capitulate to Mestizo might. Not physically and not psychologically. And after mingling with them yesterday I can report that the majority of them appear to be a miniscule, uneducated, nearly sheepish people. Is there a dangerous or threatening element among them? Sure, I guess. Probably the younger males with tattoos on their necks and pants falling down. So what?

Of course I hope the current immigration crisis will be resolved in Congress. The last thing anyone wants is violence. But if it is going to come then let it come. And I hope I’ll be forgiven if I take an optimistic view of things.

Russell W. writes:

At the end when Ryan comments that most of the Latinos he sees “appear to be a minuscule, uneducated, nearly sheepish people,” he is making the classic mistake of assuming that subsequent generations of a particular transplanted ethnic group will match the temperament of their elders. The repeated facts on the ground show that while first-generation Mexicans and other Latinos tend often to be docile and subservient (after all, they see themselves in a precarious position and don’t really want to make waves… at least that was the case before these latest rallies, which may be changing even THAT previously dominant trait), their children are much more likely to be violent, hostile, anti-social thugs with a chip on their shoulder against white Western culture.

The same suicidal cycle played itself out in Europe. The original Muslim immigrants were much more like the first generation Mexicans—hard-working, eager to please, etc. Now they’re practically foot soldiers in an Islamic invasion of Europe, and they consciously see themselves as not only separate from Europe’s culture, but actively antagonistic and contemptuous of it. No doubt the welfare state of Europe sped things up, but the same signs are present in the U.S. regarding the later generations of Mexicans who live in areas of high-immigrant concentration.

Carl Simpson writes:

While this is an interesting exchange, I think a most important point is being missed. The reason our country is being invaded has little to do with the strength of the Mexicans. Mexico is a nation that, while tremendously rich in natural resources, never managed to rise above a third world level in any way. Mexican history is a sordid tale of one corrupt dictatorial regime followed by another, interrupted only by orgies of violent revolution.

The real story here is the spiritual disease that has infected white Americans. Who is it that voted a traitor like Susan Davis into office? Mexicans? Iraqis? If American citizens elected to form militias and deal with this menace themselves, can you imagine what the reaction would be from Bush and the Feds? It would be Ruby Ridge and Waco writ large—cheered on by MSM reporters prattling on about the racist, xenophobic child molesters. Our dear leader, the eternally-smirking Caudillo from Crawford, has already declared that the folks involved in the very orderly and polite Minuteman Project are a simply bunch of “vigilantes.”

The true villains in this drama are our own ruling elites and those allied with them—traitors all. Until enough of the native populace understands this sad fact of life, the Davises and Bushes among us will continue to hand over the country. The invaders are mere opportunists—like ticks and other vermin who attach themselves and suck the blood from a seriously wounded animal. They are in fact a symptom of the disease, not the disease itself.

Or, as I wrote in my 1990 booklet, The Path to National Suicide:

So much for America; if other Western nations continue their openness to Third World immigration, we may be witnessing the beginning of the end of Western civilization as a whole. And this defeat of the West will have been accomplished, not by the superior strength or civilization of the newcomers, not by the “forces of history,” but simply by the feckless generosity and moral cowardice of the West itself.

Shrewsbury writes:

Your correspondent Edward D. writes, “My only question now is the loyalty of the officer corps of the armed forces. They see what is happening. They know where things are going. What does the oath of loyalty to the Constitution entail when the civilian leadership from whom they take orders has essentially taken the position that the basic charter is null and void when they find it inconvenient to defend the country?”

Shrewsbury is by no means certain that, if push came to shove, the military would join the people against the rapacious pseudo-government; in fact he rather doubts it. They seem entirely pleased to have thousands of “undocumented” “migrants” in their command. Shrewsbury’s experience of the military mind is that, with some exceptions of course, it believes what it is told to believe, hu-ah! Even recently, on such a matter as the folly of sending perky little blonde girls into combat situations in Iraq, he found that any attempt in an online forum to suggest that this was not well done, drew the most intemperate responses, of which “You f*cker!” was not the least moderate.

This business of padding the ranks with Lateeeno mercenaries is very bad. Will they hesitate to turn their weapons upon the native population of the U.S. if the military is ordered into a theatre of civil conflict? Or will they not rather do so with a fearsome, gleeful relish?

Would like to hear Mr. Sutherland’s opinions on which way the various segments of the military would swing….

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 02, 2006 11:53 AM | Send

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