Telling us loud and clear

Mexican on the tv news, painting a sign:

“We are NOT immigrants; we are returning to our ancestral homeland.”

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Mark J. writes:

I wish someone would point out that while it may be true that the Southwest was once Mexican land, the civilization that exists there now was never theirs. And it is the civilization that they need, and not the land. The civilization that draws these illegal Latinos by the millions is a white, “gringo” society, a society where the rule of law and property rights have been respected, a society where people can be depended upon to show up for work on time, meet their contractual obligations, and where corruption by government officials is not tolerated. A society with unparalleled innovation, creativity, and industry, resulting in fantastic economic opportunities while at the same time protecting individual liberty. It is this society that has the value, not the arid Southwestern land.

So, leaving aside the fact that land belongs to the people who are strong enough to hold it, Mexico’s problem is not a lack of land. It is an inferior society. And these illegals have no claim to our society at all.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 02, 2006 01:46 AM | Send

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