FAIR Protest against companies that hire illegals

Going beyond its usual requests to call congressmen, FAIR is encouraging widespread popular action. This is an Action Alert they have distributed:

Don’t Buy Meat This Monday

A Way to Protest Companies that Support Illegal Immigration

Monday is your chance to participate in a counter-boycott. It’s simple—don’t buy or eat meat that day in protest of these companies, whose employees knowingly hire illegal aliens, collude with immigrant smugglers, break the law with impunity, and give these same illegal aliens the day off so they can demand amnesty as a reward. Are any companies giving American workers the day off Monday to protest amnesty?

Call Seaboard at 1-800-262-7907, Cargill at 1-800-CARGILL (227-4455), Hormel at (507) 437-5611 and Tyson at (479) 290-4000 on Monday to let them you are boycotting them for supporting illegal immigration.

Meat-packing companies including Seaboard and Tyson are closing plants to allow illegal alien workers there the day off, so that they can participate in protests demanding amnesty. Reuters writes that, “Seaboard Corp. said it will close its Guymon, Oklahoma, pork plant on Monday to allow workers to attend rallies planned for that day in support of immigration reform, the company said.” And Dow Jones newswire has more coverage of the meat plants shutdown. “Tyson Foods (TSN) will not operate at five of its nine U.S. beef plants and will have four of six pork plants closed Monday due to a potential shortage of workers and current market conditions, a Tyson spokesman said Thursday. Spokesman Gary Mickelson provided the company’s updated slaughter plans to Dow Jones Newswires by email. Immigrant workers have declared May 1 as a day of protest against tough new immigration reform legislation being considered by Congress. The Tyson update puts the number of total U.S. beef plants to be closed Monday to at least 12 and pork plants to at least 14. Slaughter for both species is expected to be reduced to around 50% or less than normal Monday,” says Dow Jones.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 29, 2006 09:44 AM | Send

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