Grading Bush

Although George W. Bush’s support for multiculturalism and open borders, plus his silence on the Clintonist debauching of America, made me not vote for him in 2000, I did think a lot about whether he was intelligent enough to be president. I concluded that while he was obviously not very smart, he had good character, good judgment, and just barely enough intelligence that he would be able to function adequately in the job.

My conclusions after five years:

Good character: In some particular ways, yes; in most ways, NOT.

Good judgment: In some particular instances (invasion of Afghanistan) yes; in most instances, NOT.

Just barely enough intelligence to function adequately in the job: NOT.

P.S. David Frum writes today about the Democrats outflanking Bush on illegal immigration: “And how unsmart do you have to be to volunteer to make yourself vulnerable to so obvious a counter-move?”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 24, 2006 09:00 PM | Send

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