Flash! The Telegraph gets the goods on the BNP

Englishmen wanting to determine whether the BNP is really as wicked as people say got this assist from Rachel Sylvester writing in the Telegraph:

The BNP deserves scorn rather than scare-mongering. Not only is it utterly pernicious (a leaflet distributed by the party after the July 7 bombings said, “If only they had listened to the BNP”), it is also useless if faced with the reality of power.

Now, as we know, the BNP has been warning for years about the dangers of Muslim immigration in Britain, and, furthermore, BNP chairman Nick Griffin famously predicted a couple of years ago a mass terrorist attack by Muslims such as actually occurred in July 2005. But, according to Sylvester, for the BNP to distribute leaflets saying, “We told you so,” proves that they are utterly pernicious.

That’s it. Lock them up.

Her statement is so ludicrous that it must have some other meaning. And here it is: A true negative statement about a protected minority group such as Muslims is more morally objectionable than a false negative statement. This is an illustration of Auster’s First Law of Majority-Minority Relations in Liberal Society: The more alien, unassimilable, and dangerous a designated minority or non-Western group actually is, the bigger the politically correct lies that must be told about it, and the more racist it becomes to speak the truth about it.

Meanwhile, Matthew, an American living in England, says that given current political realities the BNP is the only hope:

As I have said in a previous email on the subject; I have no voting potential here in the UK, but will remain a BNP cheerleader looking for the clean sweep at the May 4th elections. Cameron and his obsession with being like Blair, is a big reason for the gaining support that the BNP is drumming up. If there was a true conservative alternative that was not afraid to stand up to the decaying climate of liberalism and multiculturalism, then there would not be any such talk about the BNP. But even if there was such a party or candidate, they would be scorned a racist thug just like Griffith. There is no alternative. BNP is the only way forward for this country. This media attention that they are getting are bringing out a lot of quiet voices—who feel they now have the green light to admit that they are tempted to vote for them. Perhaps they were previously afraid they would get locked up if they did.

I add that in posting comments items about the BNP, I am not endorsing the BNP as such. They still strike me as a questionable outfit, and the anti-Semitism is still there, notwithstanding Nick Griffin’s admirable recent efforts to cleanse his organization at least somewhat of that poison. Nevertheless, I agree with Matthew that a BNP success is the only way to shake up the indolent traitorous dhimmis running Britain.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 18, 2006 06:34 PM | Send

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