Illegal immigration and democracy’s inversion of values

Diana West captures the American establishment’s love affair with illegal aliens:

In what might be called a paean to peons, the New York Daily News recently celebrated the illegal-alien economy. “They clean your office while you sleep and comfort your kids while you’re away at work. They prepare your morning coffee, deliver your lunch and clean your plates when you dine out,” the Daily News wrote. Frankly, this conjures an image closer to support staff of the British Raj than other Joe Yankee fans. The paper continues: They—the illegals—are “the backbone of an underground economy that relies on low-wage workers performing menial tasks.”

A “paean to peons”! Nice. In our hyper-liberal democratic society, we sing hymns of praise, not to gods, heroes, and founders of cities, but to illegal alien menials whose very presence is turning us into a stratified, third-world-type economy and dooming our culture.

West kindly mentions me as the source of another phrase, “Michael Bloomberg’s Marie Antoinette moment.” Actually that came from a reader.

Also on the elites’ infatuation with illegals, Mark D. writes:

One more thing on Peggy Noonan—how patronizing she is towards “immigrants” (i.e., illegal aliens). It’s almost as if she’s at a petting zoo, examining the exotic specimens, and declaring in astonishment just how human they all are.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 14, 2006 11:48 AM | Send

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