The MSM and the Mexicans …

… still anti-American after all these years:

WASHINGTON, April 10—Waving American flags and blue banners that read “We Are America,” throngs of cheering, chanting immigrants and their supporters converged on the nation’s capital and in scores of other cities on Monday calling on Congress to offer legal status and citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants.

In addition to that front-page lead, the New York Times also has several attractive, “uplifting” photos accompanying both the print and online version of the story, all of them showing protesters flying American flags, with no Mexican flags in sight. The story and the photos are a lie. At the illegal aliens’ demonstraton on lower Broadway in New York that I attended, there were many U.S. flags, but there was an equal number of Mexican flags.

The mainstream media are enemies of America, systematically, unabashedly, unrepentantly covering up the existence of the enemies among us. Someday they must, they will be made accountable for what they’ve done.

By the way, when has the Times ever given positive coverage to people waving American flags and holding signs saying, “We are America”? Can you imagine their treatment of such a demonstration if the demonstators had been Americans? As always, the liberal media only applaud the symbols of our civilization when they are being dishonestly used to deconstruct it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 11, 2006 08:44 PM | Send

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