Liberal against illegal immigration; neocon against ‘65 Immigration Act!

Cynthia Tucker, the liberal editorialist at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, has come out in favor of enforcing the law against illegal aliens, but she does it as only a liberal could do: by endlessly bashing the businesses that profit from low-wage labor and by throwing one nasty substance-free swipe after another at Tom Tancredo. Gosh, if Tancredo didn’t exist, Tucker would have had to invent him, since it is only by attacking him that she can “cover” her move to oppose illegal immigration.

Meanwhile, Scott Johnson at Powerline, who says that everything he knows politically he learned from the Claremont Institute, is criticizing not illegal immigration, but the fons et origo of our suicidal legal immigration law, the 1965 Immigration Reform Act, and he’s even quoting Peter Brimelow’s account of the Act from Alien Nation, which in turn is based on my own account in The Path to National Suicide. Some time back, Johnson asked me to take Powerline off my mailing list, after I had criticized him over his gaga response to an Orthodox Jewish celebration at the White House. But he’s still being influenced by me indirectly.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 13, 2006 10:58 AM | Send

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