Letter to Frist

Jack Henzie has sent this letter to the Senate Majority Leader:

Dear Dr. Frist,

It’s time you stopped running for a new office and began fulfilling the oath to the office you now hold. The compromise you agreed to this afternoon has absolutely no provisions to prevent the tsunami of illegal border invaders, despite your arm-waving. Simply shut down the borders, cut off the inducements to the invaders, and watch them return to their countries of origin, more forlorn-looking than when they climbed the fence or swam the stream. Two years, five years, no years, forever—for heaven’s sake, stop dancing around. Surgeon, first do no harm to your patient.

You’ve just kissed your hopes for any vote from this old Republican, now undeclared, voter for any relief from me. What is a patriot and citizen to believe when the senatorial head of what’s supposed to be our conservative voice in the halls of Congress turns turtle and caves into a bunch of foreign criminals and their selfish traitors in this country who conspire to make their invasion a fact? Am I to trust a physician who discovers that he can do better as a politician than as a physician and puts his integrity into a blind trust to keep a job in government?

A physician with no shame is a menace to his practice. A politician with no shame is a menace to his homeland. Which do you reckon is more evil, Doctor? Your constitutional mandate is to protect me and my fellow patriots from invasion. Existing laws provide for that. Your treating this illegal invasion of our country as a political conundrum to be solved rather than as a national disaster is a horrid shame. Tennessee has given this Republic many heroic patriots. Please don’t insult us by counting yourself among them.

Formerly, very truly yours,

Jack L. Henzie

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 07, 2006 09:06 AM | Send

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