What drives Glenn Spencer

Daniel Sheehy has this powerful quote by Glenn Spencer, founder of American Border Patrol, in Fighting Immigration Anarchy, p. 68:

“The one thing that really gets me going is when I feel we [Americans] are being screwed over by people who are dishonest and underhanded,” he told me, referring to government officials and the big media. “If it there was a public debate over the issue of illegal immigration and it was honest and open, and the American people decided we should keep the borders open, okay, that’s the way life is. But when they [politicians and media] use unlawful, immoral, dirty, evil tactics to keep the truth from the people, that is something I cannot let stand. I cannot walk away from this There has to be justice. These people have to be held accountable for what they have done To the extent I can do something to help that out, I’ll do it. I’m clearly not doing it for the money.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 02, 2006 09:26 PM | Send

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