Ignorance without and within

Bon mot of the week, from Tony Blankley:

It was gut-wrenching … to watch the senators prattle on in their idle ignorance concerning the manifold economic benefits that will accrue to the body politic if we can just cram a few million more uneducated illegals into the country. (I guess ignorance loves company.)

Blankley points out in amazement that the Senators are proceeding against not only 70 percent of the public on this issue, but even against liberal economists Robert Samuelson of the Washington Post and Paul Krugman of the New York Times, both of whom have shot down the main economic claims made in behalf of the bill.

The public demand to protect our borders will triumph sooner or later. And, the more brazen the opposing politicians, the sooner will come the triumph. So legislate on, you proud and foolish senators, and hasten your political demise.

But this raises the question, if the bill will not benefit the country economically, and if it will only hurt the senators politically, why are they supporting it? A reader asked me that same question the other day, wondering why the senators are acting so irrationally, and I replied:

My view:

It’s not about rational calculation. It’s about the need to surrender to nonwhites. If the immigrants were Swedes they wouldn’t be doing this.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 31, 2006 06:49 PM | Send

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