The amazing and appalling immigration bill

The bills being proposed in the Senate Judiciary Committee are beyond belief. A bomb barely mentioned by the media is the proposal to increase legal immigration by one million each year. This is typical of the way the illegal side of the immigration debate has obscured the legal side. The illegal immigration and the attempt to legalize it are so obviously outrageous, and so much easier to grasp and more comfortable to deal with (how much brains and courage does it take to say, “Illegal immigration is against the law”?), that comparatively little attention is paid to an unprecedented jump of one million legal immigrants per year, a more than doubling of the current number that would radically alter the population projections for the U.S. over the coming decades.

These bills are like the Windows operating system—there are so many features that no ordinary human could possibly be aware of them all. That’s not a problem when it’s just a personal computer on your desk. It’s quite another matter when it’s a federal statute that would revolutionize this country and turn the current immigration nightmare into something far worse.

A good place to get information on what’s happening is the blog at vdare. According to a commenter there, an amendment has passed the Committee that says:

An illegal immigrant who entered the country under the age of 16 and upon graduation from high school either (a) completes an associates degree within 6 years or (b) enters the military now qualifies for citizenship.

Then there’s this, provided by Bryanna Bevens:

… there is what I call the Snitch Visa:

This is an S-type (sounds like a Jaguar) Visa for those who are willing to provide evidence that their home country is developing or currently has weapons of mass destruction. Under current law, the information must lead to the prosecution of someone in order for the applicant to qualify.

An amendment introduced by Senator Brownback (R-KS) would not only increase the number available but also change the qualifications. The Senate voted in favor of granting the Visa to applicants even if the information provided leads to nothing.

Yep, just make a claim of terrorism against the government of your native land and you are in!

It is as though the welfare state had morphed into a cosmic monster of altruism, a giant Lyndon Johnson run amock, that was restlessly extending its largesse to every human on the globe it could get its paws onto. The left and the open-borders senators on this committee do not see America as a society with an existing identity and character; they see it as a vast social service agency whose mission it is to dispense unlimited goodies to the human race, and to keep coming up with ever-more inventive “deals”: “So, becoming a legal U.S. resident by going to community college doesn’t work for you, because you’re not currently located in the U.S.? No problem! We’ll give you a Green Card in exchange for a false report of a WMD in your country! Do you love us now?”

How can we describe such depraved insanity?

We can describe it with one word, liberalism. The thing that must be DESTROYED if we are to survive.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 28, 2006 01:16 AM | Send

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