British-born terrorists were arrested before London bombings

Seven mostly British-born Muslims are on trial for planning a terrorist attack in Britain aimed at causing maximum loss of life. According to the London Times, the defendants had accumulated ammonium nitrate fertilizer, aluminium powder, and detonators to set off the device remotely. Having done everything except choose the final target, which was going to be a nightclub, train, or pub, they were apprehended at the last minute after months of surveillance by security agencies.

All that is very interesting. But then I noticed this: that the men “are standing trial after being held at Belmarsh prison for up to two years.” Up to two years would mean that some of them were arrested as far back as March 2004. And then I saw this: that the alleged preparations for the attack went on between October 2003 and March 2004. The London bombings took place in July 2005. Since by July 2005 several British-born Muslims had already been arrested for planning terrorist mass murder in Britain, why were the London bombings, which were also carried out by British-born Muslims, treated as such a shock?

There’s only one explanation. To the liberal mind, evil—if it is committed by anyone other than whites, Westerners, and Christians—is always a shock, and will always be a shock.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 24, 2006 01:29 PM | Send

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