Katrina redux: Judge not, black America, that ye be not judged

I just came upon an interesting e-mail from last September 5, in the middle of the Katrina disaster, which places in context the black community’s scorching condemnation of white America for its supposedly racially-motivated slowness in helping blacks.

A reader wrote:

Your article, “Katrina: a typical Third-World Event,” hit the nail right on the head. One cannot roll back natural catastrophies but one can manage the aftermath through organization, planning, order, science and technology. As well, one can anticipate them through careful planning and forethought. This is the crux and core of Western civilization—how laws of morality and science can be made to work together to even out the unpredictability and contingencies of nature. Instead our stupid society is going against thousands of years of moral and technological development progressively enhanced through the Judeo-Christian ethos. Thus we now have a “third world event” in our midst. Liberals blame the federal government but they are the ones to blame for this disaster.

One additional matter. I mentioned in my e-mail yesterday that morality is proven under duress—contrary to the liberal notion that morality is only effective when the underclass becomes even with the overclass. Job was expected by God to remain steadfastly ethical under the worst conditions, not the best. 1 Peter 1:7 states that one’s character and faith is made manifest through trial by fire.

The black community’s reaction to this catastrophe has been disappointing (to say the least) as it has NOT manifested an ethical response under stress. Liberals should now see that the black community has really nothing to offer our society in terms of advancing an ethical agenda for America. The whole civil rights agenda has been predicated upon the presence of the black community in America. But the shallowness of the black community’s ethics has become quite manifest in this time of duress. Contrary to the Biblical injunctions that tough times prove and bear out one’s moral claims, these times have shown the lack of any moral claims blacks may have against America through their actions.

“Judge not that you be not judged” can be leveled against the black community. They are sitting in judgment against white America these days even as their own immorality is being publically exposed for all to see. Christ’s saying, “For with what measure you deal out to others, will be dealt to you,” will boomerang against the blacks. Their complete lack of ethics has been demonstrated. Any moral claims they may have against the U.S. are null and void in view of the atrocities they have been committing in New Orleans.

As Paul declares in 1 Corinthians 3:13, trial by fire will expose a man’s works and this tragedy has exposed to the light the black community’s lack of ethics. Time to declare that the black community has NOTHING to give to American society in terms of a moral agenda for future political activity.

Another reader wrote on the same day:

Following the trail of links it can be seen that 100,000 visitors to New Orleans showed up last year and over 100,000 (maybe as many as 125,000) were expected this year.

So the City of New Orleans was ready, willing and able to help 100,000+ people arrive, “party” and leave, but couldn’t get organized sufficient to care for less than half that number in the Superdome and Civic Center, it appears.

Do you see anything odd or wrong with this picture?

LA reply:

Interesting. But how did you arrive at the 100,000 figure? I need some basis for saying that.

He wrote:

I got the first mention of it from that Empire Journal article from the black Episcopalian ministeress that you linked to. Then I did some casual searching last night to check her statement.

My Google search on “Southern decadance” and “Southern decadence” turned up the following:

Wikipedia via Answer.com claims 100K. The Google cache of a web page on the 2003 event says the same if you scroll down a bit. It seems that ABC news repeats the claim.

A modified Google search for “Southern decadence” “100,000” turned up a number of hits, including one that claimed a “gay” population in New Orleans of 100,000 (20% of the city? Hmmm…) and pro-homosexual online magazine called “ambush” that makes the same claim for 2003, has details on the events and proudly points out that Harrah’s casino & other business support the event.

So the “gay” promoters are claiming 100,000 visitors to the event, and $80 million to $90+ million in money spent. This could be hype to make them look bigger than they are, or it could be accurate. I say, take them at their word…

In the course of finding the “ambush mag” I ran across a thing called the “white party” or “white night” in Palm Springs; another orgy/event like the “Southern Decadence” one. Apparently it is scheduled for the Easter weekend on a regular basis. I find that to be, um, rather interesting. Here is a web page describing the “fun” in breathless terms (IT IS NOT WORK SAFE!).

Here is an About.com web page on the “circuit party” concept, which I’d not heard of before but it makes a perverse kind of sense, sad to say. Apparently these orgies are more common than anyone would have expected.

I find myself wondering just how many of these little orgies go on in big cities resorts that just don’t get any coverage from the Mainstream Media? Certainly the notion of thousands of homosexuals having as much anonymous sex as possible in a few days in an atmosphere of deliberate decadence and illegal drug use would not fit in too well with the image of sweater-wearing interior designers who just want to raise handicapped children and take in stray animals that we see promoted relentlessly.

Kind of like flipping over a flat rock in a marsh and seeing all the stuff underneath, isn’t it?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 13, 2006 11:58 PM | Send

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