How the Washington Post explains Americans’ increasingly critical views of Islam

Here is a classic liberal treatment (or, to be more exact, a classic modern liberal treatment) of majority-minority relations. According to the Washington Post, Americans’ negative perceptions about Islam have increased since 9/11. Now a normal person who is hoping for America to wake up to the truth about Islam would think that that was good news, right? In fact, the Post treats this phenomenon as the result of unfair statements about Islam coming from our supposedly right-wing media and right-wing government. The Post’s message is, if people see Islam negatively, they are simply under the grip of prejudice. The story does not mention any objective facts about Muslims’ conduct over the past four years that might have led reasonable persons to have critical opinions about Islam. According to liberalism, all men are good and are equally good, and any opinion to the contrary can only be a fantasy fed by sinister forces.

Did Communist regimes ever deny reality to the extent that mainstream American liberalism does? The realization should be hitting us how extreme mainstream liberalism really is.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 10, 2006 03:26 PM | Send

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