How the march for Ilan Halimi was taken over by the left and non-whites

VFR’s occasional French translator writes:

You are so right to denounce the hypocrisy of that demonstration. Some patriots (I keep using that term because “conservative” has no meaning in French politics) refused to attend, others who did sent back bitter appraisals of what took place. However, nothing they say can alter the fact that they are so completely outnumbered by the “bien pensant” crowd so as to render futile any hope for a resistance movement. This demonstration was originally planned in memory of Ilan and was not meant to include blacks or Muslims. The left-wing organizations, however, moved in easily and adopted the rally as their own. Philippe de Villiers (presidential candidate) was forcibly removed from the demonstrators. Many of the marchers were high-profile Jewish personalities, and the split within the Jewish community is deepening. Here are three brief reports.

This is an excerpt from an eyewitness account by Georges Clément, President of le Comité de Lépante, an organization that monitors the rise of Islam and opposes Turkey in the EU:

“I’ve returned from the rally to the memory of Ilan Halimi. All I could see was a stream of people from show biz…and politically correct politicians, i.e. precisely those who are at the root of the evil that is destroying France…the great mass of young people, poorly dressed, with slicked hair, slouching, vulgar in their speech and seemingly unmoved by the event, seemed closer to the ‘barbarians’ because of whom we were there in the first place. But what induced me to leave was the presence of CRAN, …the racist organization of French blacks. They were completely tolerated in the midst of those mourning a victim of racism. It was clear that you could be a racist at this rally, as long as you were black.

“When I arrived I learned about the violent removal by the police of Philippe de Villiers, to the shouts of ‘racist! You don’t belong here!’…The legion of celebrities was symptomatic of the surreal nature of this display…The flower of anti-racism, in a parade where black racists marched, mourning a young man killed by blacks and North Africans with the help of some Portuguese and French misfits.

“A great success! And this is the France that hopes to be saved?”

(The above is from Via-Resistancia, a google group).

This is a communiqué from combined Jewish associations of France:

“The great national demonstration of the French people, against barbarity and its atrocities, was originally to take place in Bagneux. Not content with having moved it and highjacked it, certain groups, that one would normally suspect of being accomplices to those who murdered Ilan Halimi, went so far as to prevent Philippe de Villiers, head of the MPF, from marching in the parade.

“Philippe de Villiers is today the only French politician, of any stature, to denounce unambiguously the radical Islamization of France and its consequences. More than anyone else, he deserved to be at the head of this demonstration.

“At this time, the Jews of France reaffirm their solid support for Philippe de Villiers, for his commitment, and for the sincerity of his friendship.”

(Note: Since the above statement was made the president of B’nai B’rith France, Marc Lumbroso, has denounced de Villiers, saying “we do not condone his expulsion…but we must remind you that we do not share his vision of Europe, his values, or his conception of tolerance.”

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The expulsion of Philippe de Villiers from the demonstration shocked many. He was actually removed from the head of the marchers, but worked his way back into the middle section. An angry response from him was released. This article quotes from his press release.(CRIF is a left-leaning organization that represents French Jewish institutions.):

Philippe de Villiers has risen in strong opposition to the “incredible totalitarian sectarianism of extreme left-wing groups which (with the exception of the CRIF) forcibly removed him from the front of Sunday’s march” honoring the memory of Ilan Halimi. In a statement to Agence France Press, he stressed that “for 20 years” these extreme leftist groups have “encouraged the rise of a new anti-Semitism, an extreme form of an anti-French racism.”

Before the start of the march, de Villiers had been removed by the security forces engaged by the organizers of the demonstration. He made clear that even though he had to leave the vanguard of the marchers, where political personalities of all stripes were gathered, he did decide later to “march in the middle of the crowd, amidst the people of France.” A co-worker said that “he received a warm welcome, as he had Thursday evening in the synagogue where he received an ovation.”

…In a speech last september announcing his candidacy for the presidency, Philippe de Villiers made known his will to “stop the progressive Islamization of French society, which is is tumbling into multiculturalism in the hands of the globalization-oriented political elite.”

These remarks aroused angry protests from the left and from anti-racism associations (such as) SOS-Racism that concluded de Villiers “had definitively crossed the rubicon and had become a direct rival of the extreme-right” (meaning the FN, Le Pen’s party).

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 08, 2006 12:14 AM | Send

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