Pipes: civil war in Iraq would not harm our interests

Alone among the neocons, Daniel Pipes was never a supporter of the democratization of Iraq, though his apostasy has always been expressed in quiet, non-confrontational tones and thus has consistently failed to set off any reaction or debate. This meant that the value of his apostasy was limited, since it’s been the lack of rational debate on Bush’s misconceived democratization policy that has killed us for these last three years. Writing at FrontPage Magazine, Pipes continues his tradition of sensible though subdued dissent, pointing out that overthrowing Saddam Hussein was a sufficient achievement; that we do not have the ability to democratize and reconstruct Iraq; and therefore that a civil war in Iraq would not be the disaster (from our point of view) that the democratizers think it would be.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 28, 2006 09:50 AM | Send

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