Is it over? Has Islam won?

On orders of their superiors, the Antwerp police allowed rioting Muslims to destroy cars rather than try to stop them and risk, uh, war in the streets, according to the Brussels Journal. Muslim youths attacked an Antwerp tram car with stones. “Moderate” Muslim leaders who agree with the rioters in all things except the actual use of violence demonstated in Brussels demanding that blasphemy against Islam be prohibited, meaning that all non-Muslims must observe Muslim law. The higher-ups at the evil UN agree, and have drafted an amendment to the UN’s human rights charter “protecting the sanctity of religions and the prophets.”

If I weren’t already convinced that the West must endure many more attacks and engage in many more surrenders to Islam before it finally turns around, I might get depressed by this ongoing spectacle. But I think it entirely likely that Westerners will start to resist Islam only after they come under its power to some degree. As long as Westerners remain dominant in the West, they feel too guilty to defend themselves and their civilization.

Alex writes:

It looks more and more as if they have won. Who in the future would even dream of “dissin” them ? Furthermore by banning Muhammad’s visage they have raised him to the level of a diety. Like God he is unknown and unknowable. How else do you explain their rage save that they equate the M man with their god, to “diss” one you also do the other. [LA note: But that is precisely what Muhammad’s book says over and over: “He who rejects Allah and his Prophet will be killed, burned in hell, etc.” Obeissance to Allah and obeissance to the M man are one and the same.] Of course all these demonstrations and riots are not wholly spontaneous. They are well orchestrated by their imams from the mosques. This is noting but a well planned campaign. There is nothing haphazard here, this is jihad on a new, global scale. We have nothing to begin to match it.

I was quite disappointed in your recent blog where you have taken the “things have to get worse before they get better “ position. Besides the fact that this nothing but, “tomorrow will be a better day” re-packaged, its dangerous. Often things get so bad that they never get better, has Russia ever recovered from the Tsar’s murder? I think not. If the belief that the sun will shine sweetly tomorrow is all we have left then we are doomed. Despair has us grasping at straws.

Yes, nurse, we must wait for the fever to get higher before there is a chance of recovery!

I do not dismiss Alex’s concerns. For all we know he is right and this is the end. But I don’t think so. I think there are reasons for believing that it is just the opposite. Considering the actual history and belief system of Western liberal society over the last 60 years up to this moment, how could the kind of complete, instant turnaround that Alex hopes for have possibly occurred? The dissent from dhimmitude and PC orthodoxy by Jyllands-Posten and other papers was the first little gesture of protest after decades of mindless, automatic surrender. Naturally the prevailing PC forces came down on them like a ton of bricks. Could we expect that official and established leftist European opinion would turn on a dime and say, “Yes, Islam is becoming too powerful, it is taking away our freedoms, we must fight this”? These are the very people who have orchestrated Eurabia. Naturally they’re going to stifle any dissent.

Moreover, Alex is thinking in static terms, as people so often do, i.e., “Islam has won; it’s over.” The formulation suggests that things are going to stop the way they are, with Islam (and European dhimmitude toward Islam) having won. This static view misses the fact that as the power of Islam in Europe grows, its real nature and intentions are becoming more and more manifest, thus waking up more and more people to the real threat they face, which will gradually lead them to resist both PC and Islam.

So, if a year ago or five years ago we had come up with a futuristic scenario by which Europe would start to turn around, I think we would have had to predict that the first peep of resistance would be stomped on by European (and even American) official opinion, just as this one has been. But this is not the end.

Our American-English reader adds:

Just to sum up once more: Whether regarding Muslim immigration or other groups coming in in huge numbers, IT HAS TO GET A LOT WORSE TO BEGIN TO GET BETTER (FOR THE MAINSTREAM TO FORCE ACTION). So every Cartoon act of violence (and equivalent Muslim actions) must be exploited to the full. Ironically, Muslim violence is good news for us. Tragically, when people get killed in Muslim protests it serves our cause (in no way am I advocating the use of violence by anyone) Keep this savagery in the spotlight; as the MacDonald’s commercial says “I’M LOVING IT.” So what seems like victory for Muslims in the short term over the Western media actually may be defeat in the long term if it serves to awaken the West. OH MUSLIMS, keep acting barbarically PLEASE. Keep acting intolerantly, PLEASE. Keep threatening the West, PLEASE.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 18, 2006 02:42 AM | Send

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