Is the power of women the main reason we’re going down the tubes?

A reader writes:

My opinion is that the Mexican invasion is just one aspect of why a miracle is going to be needed to save the white race. I still maintain that the only thing that can possibly awaken and motivate white “men” (to again become brave and aggressive leaders/warriors) is some type of catastrophe. The catastrophe needs to be something along the lines of a massive slaughter of whites. It must make us feel rage, and it must instill in us the collective sense that our backs are against the wall. It must unify us. And, it must make us thoroughly subdue our women. This is a must if there is ever to be any hope. OJ, Katrina, Rodney King, 9/11 weren’t big enough events.

LA reply:

I agree men are cowed by women and this is bad, though to advocate that we “thoroughly subdue our women” is going too far, as Western women have never been “thoroughly subdued.” That sounds like something from the Eastern, not the Western world. So, yes, call for a restoration of a traditional order in which sex distinctions are understood and honored, and men are men and women are women. But I recommend that you do not go around calling for people to “thoroughly subdue their women” as you will find yourself speaking to very few people.


I simply believe that as sure as the sun sets in the West, our women are dragging us down, and if allowed, they will destroy us…. I compare feminism to an insidious and fatal disease. A disease affecting a societal groups central nervous system. Acceptance of the concept that authority should be shared equally between men and women will set it off. I don’t believe calling for “restoration of a traditional order” can possible cure feminism, because women will not voluntarily give up the recent and unprecedented powers they have gained. If something does occur to awaken us, I believe the debate will be settled in a nanosecond. Though not many people are willing to speak of it in public, my experience tells me that there are a lot of people that personally believe that our women are out of control and need to be reigned in.


I can’t disagree with anything you have said. Maybe you are right that only a shock can bring things back. Generally speaking, women should not be in authoritative positions in society. Everything goes out of wack when that happens. This is one of the major factors in our present disorder. You seem to feel that it is the most important factor. I’m not convinced of that. However, I hear what you’re saying.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 18, 2006 12:15 AM | Send

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