Mercer takes apart Buchanan

Ilana Mercer has an insightful piece at WorldNetDaily’s commentary section, sending up Patrick Buchanan for his Bizarro, nay treasonous stand on Muslims and the West. I wrote Miss Mercer a note about it:

Ilana, you wrote:

“To Mr. Buchanan, might is right when it comes to the faithful (although Jewish religious zealots he abhors—yet another of those consistent inconsistencies.)”

LOL. Perfect.

Thanks for the mention and the link.

However, to be precise, I was not “lamenting” Buchanan’s “lapse,” which makes me sound like a disappointed supporter of his. I was criticizing, attacking, excoriating, eviscerating, demolishing, anatomizing him for his vile, sick, egregious statements.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 19, 2006 11:30 PM | Send

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