A terrorist camp in the Catskills?

Over at WorldNetDaily, also known as www.boywhocriedwolf.com, there’s a story claiming that devout Muslims (as we politically correctly refer to them here at VFR) have a military-style training camp in the Catskills, and that, despite complaints from people in the area, the authorities are doing nothing about it. Who knows, it might be true. But the trouble is, I didn’t describe WND as www.boywhocriedwolf.com for nothing.

After I posted the above, a reader sent me the link to the investigative report about the Jamat ul Fuqra sect on which the WND story was based. It’s a 24-page pdf file, incompetently and portentously written, with many photos, and also many pages of tables that are of no interest to the general reader. It refers, without any citations, to past crimes by members of the group, mainly attacks on Hindus in the U.S. Jamat ul Fuqra apparently has bases all over the U.S. The one detailed here is a 70 acre compound at the western edge of the Catskills. The definite facts that emerge, with all the heavy breathing, are that this compound exists, that its occupants are mainly blacks though Mideasterners visit frequently, that firing of automatic weapons takes place there regularly, that it puts out a menacing air toward its neighbors who are intimidated by its presence, and that it’s sinister.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 17, 2006 01:50 AM | Send

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