“Behead those who insult Islam,” say Muslims—and an Italian art gallery agrees

I have been saying recently that Western liberal-leftists do not merely want to tolerate Islam and see it expand in the West; they consciously or unconsciously desire to be subordinated to the power of Islam in an Islamic dominated Europe. While my idea originally came from an intuitive glimpse into the psychology of Western liberals, more and more evidence is coming to the fore that backs it up. A gallery in Milan is exhibiting Giuseppe Veneziano’s “American Beauty,” a series of paintings designed to highlight the “weakness and perversity of the ‘American way of life.’” Among the usual disgusting and perverted images one would expect to find at such an exhibit, is something really shocking, painting of Oriana Fallaci’s head, decapitated. As Robert Spencer writes at FrontPage Magazine:

Veneziano’s painting is doubly offensive … in light of the fact that Fallaci herself has been driven out of Italy by frivolous charges that she has “defamed Islam.” Giuseppe Veneziano is not on trial for depicting Fallaci decapitated, but Fallaci faces trial for making a series of heated but largely true statements about Islam and Muslims. Veneziano’s painting is triply offensive in that it depicts exactly what the Muslim exponents of cartoon rage around the world would like to see done to Fallaci—and thus manifests the ever-closer empathy between the Western Left and Islamic jihad. “Behead those who insult Islam,” read a sign at a recent demonstration in London protesting the Danish cartoons of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. If Fallaci has insulted Islam with her monumental post-9/11 cries of freedom and resistance, The Rage and the Pride and The Force of Reason, Giuseppe Veneziano is happy to oblige the mujahedin, at least on canvas.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 14, 2006 09:37 PM | Send

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