A liberal academic’s views on America, Hispanic immigration, and conservatives

What we observers on the right keep saying about the left’s total anti-Americanism is not just our construction of what liberal-leftists believe, it is what they actually say themselves, as shown by this account sent by a reader:

On Friday, I had a talk with a liberal friend, a college Geography professor, who has some opinions relevant to your recent posts. If the threat of Latin American hostility to the U.S., he said, “We’ve been kicking their a** for centuries. They have good reason to hate us. We and the Catholic Church are the reason for their problems. We need to give them aid that will raise their living standard.”

I challenged him on this by saying that the culture (and race) of the different people in North and South America causes them to be different places. He said, “Are you saying that because we are European, we are superior?” To him, this was an idiotic opinion. “We were living in caves when other races had great civilizations.”

Regarding the Palestinians, he said, “Their problem is poverty. We (and Israel) need to help them to be successful people.” So you see, to him the bad behavior of Muslims and hispanic immigrants is OUR fault. He really hates the “Religous Right,” and is concerned about them not Muslims. When I said that the Religious Right (whom I am not) aren’t rioting like Muslims, he said, “They riot every Sunday.”

You can sum up his world view as, the “Other” is right and we are wrong. He will say that we have a big immigration problem, “even though I’m a bleeding-heart liberal,” he says. Throughout our talk, he was laughing. He doesn’t respect the views of “conservatives,” whom he sometimes calls “Nazis.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 12, 2006 04:16 PM | Send

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