Mob rule rules

Oh, and get this. A little lower down on Powerline’s main page today William Bennett is quoted on the cartoon jihad:

“I promise you, they have won. They have silenced, these, these mobs have silenced the mainstream media, who are afraid of the mob.”

Readers will anticipate where I’m going with this. Where did these mobs of which Bennett complains come from? They came from Western countries’ letting in millions of Muslim immigrants on the basis of the equal freedom and equal rights of all human beings, another word for which is democracy, or, rather, universal democracy. And now these frenzied followers of a murderous faith have turned into mobs which have frightened the mighty Western media into silence. Equal freedom for all mankind means open borders means mob rule means the end of our freedom.

And who made this wonderful consummation possible? When American patriots in the 1990s tried to get some handle on the immigration problem with Proposition 187, William Bennett spoke of them with withering disgust, as though they were hateful bugs, completely outside the legitimate American society. Yet now, as a result of the open borders policy that Bennett and his neocon cronies insisted on, we have literally millions of Muslims inside our borders intimidating journalists and killing our freedoms.

Any chance that Bennett will ever complete the thought process: universal democracy —> equal freedom for all mankind —> open borders —> mob rule by unassimilable aliens —> loss of our freedom?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 10, 2006 07:08 PM | Send

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