Pinkerton moves right on Muslim immigration

James Pinkerton says that Muslims don’t fit in the West, are inherently incompatible with Western society, and threaten Western countries with “national suicide.” He speaks of a complete cut-off of immigration and even tourist visas for Muslims, and says we must “insist” on their cultural assimilation. Over the last several years, Pinkerton seems to have traveled the whole route from quasi libertarian centrist (or whatever it is he’s been) to cultural nationalist, at least as far as our relations with Muslims are concerned. Except for the last and most important step: since, as Pinkerton himself points out, the differences between Muslims and Westerners are insurmountable, and since, therefore, Muslims obviously cannot be assimilated into our society, we must make them leave.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 09, 2006 12:50 AM | Send

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