Suez redux

A half-century later, it’s the 1956 Suez Crisis all over again: America siding with the Muslim world against the West. U.S. State Department spokeswoman Janelle Hironimus said today about the European papers that published the cartoons of Muhammad: “Inciting religious or ethnic hatred in this manner is not acceptable. We call for tolerance and respect for all communities and for their religious beliefs and practices.”

Has the U.S. government EVER called on Egypt, Syria, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, and all the rest of the Muslim countries to stop their literally murderous incitements against Jews that they publish every day of the week in their print and broadcast media? No, it hasn’t. So what standing does the U.S. government have to attack European papers who published these harmless cartoons of Muhammad, the main purpose of which was not to attack Islam, but to establish the right to speak freely about Islam?

And what happened to George W. Bush’s mantra about freedom? I guess he didn’t mean that, either, did he?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 03, 2006 08:01 PM | Send

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