Iraqis caught trying to enter the U.S. from Mexico

For readers who want both Middle Eastern news and Mexican invasion news, this story has both: Middle Easterners arrested near Mexican border while seeking to enter the U.S. But the thing is, they’re apparently not Muslims, but Christians (no link):

MEXICO CITY (AP)—Mexican federal agents have arrested four Iraqis trying to sneak into the United States without proper documents, the government said Monday.

Wasim Francis Schamoun and Ivan Yalda, both 23, and Refon Chlil Oraha and Thaer Salem Yelda, both 27, were found on a bus in the northern city of Navajoa [west coast of Mexico, south of Arizona] after police received an anonymous tip, the attorney general’s office said in a statement.

The Iraqis were in Mexico illegally, the statement said.

Officials on Monday said they were investigating the background of the four and trying to determine how they got into Mexico. The four have family names that are common among Iraq’s minority Christian community.

Many undocumented Iraqi nationals have been captured in Mexico en route to the U.S. border. None has been found to have had any links to terrorism.

Perhaps they were fleeing the anti-Christian persecution unleashed in Iraq by the creation of an Islamic state there, which in turn was facilitated by the United States. Lovely mess, eh?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 02, 2006 01:54 AM | Send

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