Pipes endorses the contain-and-isolate strategy—but only for the Palestinians

Daniel Pipes writes about the Hamas electoral victory in the Palestinian territories:

Returning to the dilemma posed by the Hamas victory, Western capitals need to show Palestinians that—like Germans electing Hitler in 1933—they have made a decision gravely unacceptable to civilized opinion. The Hamas-led Palestinian Authority must be isolated and rejected at every turn, thereby encouraging Palestinians to see the error of their ways.

But if this logic applies to the jihad-terrorism-supporting Palestinians, why doesn’t it apply to the whole Muslim world? True, the whole Muslim world hasn’t elected Hamas-type organizations. But they would if they could. That’s what they believe in. For example, Debbie Schlussel points out that if elections were held in the quintessentially “moderate” Arab country of Jordan, Hamas would win hands down.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 27, 2006 01:58 AM | Send

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