Western patriots contra Steyn

Steve Antonucci, a VFR reader, got an e-mail posted at Mark Steyn’s website, and Steyn replied.

If Mr. Steyn is so concerned about the death of the West, he should be supporting groups such as the British National Party and the French Front National. These are the true patriots and the preservers of Western people and their civilization. The answer to the Muslim problem in Europe is to expel them and repatriate them to their countries of ancestry. All non-Europeans (especially Muslim Arabs) should be expelled from both the United States and Europe. Mr. Steyn and other “elites” know deep down inside that this is the only true solution to the problem. They all lack the guts to say it. Pathetic. The bottom line, Mr. Steyn, is that if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Stephen Antonucci
United States

MARK REPLIES: I don’t know about France or Germany but I would say that’s simply a non-starter with respect to the United Kingdom. Take, for example, the British National Party. What does it mean to be a “British National”? As a point of law, the 1948 British Nationality Act made a quarter of the world’s population British subjects – or “British nationals”, the overwhelming majority of them non-white non-Anglo-Celts. Whatever your feelings on that, British nationality has never been defined ethnically or racially.

A British Commonwealth citizen living in Britain, who had sent me the above exchange, was disgusted by Steyn’s reply to Antonucci, which he described as evasive. As he summed it up:

So what Steyn does is three fold:

Avoids talking about France altogether

Avoids talking about Germany altogether; and

If he talks about Britain, he does not deal with realities but makes an evasive comment by relying on a legal fiction. What he says is true in only a technical sense. If it were true practically, all the Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis who came to Britain after WWII would not have needed visas and permits. For that matter, I wouldn’t need a work permit to work here. Why would I need a work permit to work in a country of which I am already a citizen or “subject”? I may be allowed to vote here by some bizarre law but if I lose my job tomorrow in a recession, I cease to be allowed to live in this country legally. Surely, if I were a citizen, this wouldn’t be an issue?

The law he talks about had several “layers” to it. For example, it was a famous legal fiction that British “subjects” could travel freely all over the British Empire. But if this was true, how is it that Australia only allowed non-white immigration in the 1960s for the first time? It was the same with Canada and New Zealand too.

I told Steve Antonucci that his letter had been published at Steyn’s website, and he wrote a follow-up e-mail to Steyn:

Mr. Steyn,

I originally sent the e-mail that you posted under the title, “On The Front Line.” It was a response to your “It’s the Demography Stupid” column.

You dodge the racial issue like most other conservatives. Perhaps you should be reading Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance if you aren’t already. The racial issue is the one issue that is rooted in reality because it is BIOLOGICALLY REAL. I’m still astonished that you said, “I don’t care if there are any Belgians left in 100 years.” I can’t believe you actually said that. You ought to think about that long and hard and be ashamed of the fact that you said that. Like I said in my last e-mail, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. I know deep down inside you agree with me.

Our people have been brainwashed by a genocidal and perverted left for the last 50 years, This horrific force is hell-bent on the destruction of the European race and all of it’s children. If people like you don’t start standing up and defending the whole package, including our race, we are finished.

Stephen Antonucci,
United States

Mr. Antonucci is not the only VFR reader who got posted at Steyn Online today. I came across this as well:

I just needed your recent article on the fall of Europe and Lawrence Auster’s analysis to confirm what I had already deduced from your many articles. You are just another treasonous Neo-Con. You are not a conservative at all, just a very limited intellect with a gift of diatribe. Another great triumph of medium over content, in the true mold of journalistic b******t.

Wayne Goodfellow

While I wouldn’t personally use that kind of language (“treasonous neocon,” plus the vulgarity), and don’t think it’s helpful, especially when addressed to the person whom one is insulting, there is nevertheless satisfaction in realizing that more and more people are seeing through Steyn. He’s no longer “Steyn, clever and prolific conservative columnist and scourge of the left.” Now he’s “Steyn, ambiguous trickster who becomes a conservative hero by slashing the left while gleefully predicting the demise of the West.”

On January 27 another reader sent me this e-mail, under the subject heading, “Steyn-proofed”:

I am now impervious to Mark Steyn. I’ve seen other so-called conservative sites mention “what a great article” or “I love Steyn” or something similar, and I skim ahead to where the breathless praises end. Because I now know better than to take seriously anything Nowhere-Man Steyn says.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 23, 2006 06:44 PM | Send

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