What women are obliged to do under Islamic law

From an article by Nonie Darwish at today’s FrontPage Magazine, a female correspondent has selected some incredible examples of the treatment of women under Islam:

The Hala Show on Egyptian TV by the unveiled and attractive Hala Sarhan discussed a Fatwa by Sheikh Abdel Muhdi Abdel Kader of Al Azhar University in Cairo. The Fatwa confirmed a Hadith by the prophet as true, which stated that the wives of Muslim men should be obliged to breast feed adopted adult males, men in their service such as drivers, cooks or house-help with whom the wife might interact within the home. The reasoning behind this Fatwa is because when a Muslim woman breast feeds another person, child or adult, that person takes the status of her child and thus sex between them is prohibited.

And this:

Another Fatwa was issued by Sheikh Ali Abu Hasan of Al Azhar that stated that a woman must obey her husband if he orders her to watch pornographic movies.

And this:

Another interview took place on Al Arabiya TV on December 21, 2005 in which a brave Arab women’s rights activist, Ghada Jamshir, from the Arab gulf country of Bahrain exposed the oppressive Sharia courts’ bias against Muslim women and encouraged abused and oppressed Muslim women to immigrate [sic] to Spain where, she said, the Spanish government will welcome them and protect their rights under Spanish law.

The correspondent concludes:
So much for reforming Islam from within. Here they are saying move to the West so you can get the protection of Western law. If we are not careful, we’re going to have thousands of Muslim women who will alternately demand the protection of Western law and despise the West for whatever shortcomings they perceive in their own lives, while their menfolk grow hot with hatred for us as the corrupters of their women.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 17, 2006 11:59 PM | Send

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