King’s legacy

One of the principal functions of “conservatism” in our liberal society is to praise, laud, and glorify the reigning liberal values that the liberals themselves, having moved to the left, no longer believe in. Thus, while it’s questionable whether many white leftists still enthusiastically celebrate Martin Luther King, since that would imply that there’s something about America worth celebrating, white mainstream conservatives very much celebrate him, seeing him as a great figure, truly deserving of his own national holiday. But has it ever occurred to these conservatives that the main idea for which they honor King—the idea that race-blindness is the highest value, and discrimination and intolerance the greatest wrongs—is also the main source of the West’s current inability to defend itself from its enemies? To me, this is the most important aspect of King’s legacy. He is one of the fathers of Western suicide.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 16, 2006 03:22 PM | Send

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