Lawless London

A 31-year-old solicitor was murdered in London last night, stabbed to death by two black hoodlums who accosted him as he was on his way home from a night out. The murdered man, Tom Ap Rhys Pryce, was going to be married in September.

A reader in England writes:

This country is basically going to the dogs real fast. The criminal justice system is starting to look like a joke. Recently two teenage boys who had beaten a 42 year old man into a coma were let off with sentences of 15 months and 19 months. The man almost died and although he recovered from his coma and survived, he has been disabled for life. The offenders get a year and six months in the slammer and then sweet freedom.

The entire British judiciary is now riddled with soft-liberal types who would give serial killers a commuted sentence. I was coming back home earlier and there were 15 kids on the bus – all in a large group. I would guess that not one of them has a father. They are all born to unwed mothers. They were all dressed in gangsta rap clothing with the hoods over their heads. Most of them were white and some were black. And they are by no means a tiny minority. Births to unwed mothers now stand at 46 percent of all births in this country.

“Yobbishness” (a new term for uncontrolled hooliganism) has now become such a problem that Blair has promised a “crackdown.” He won’t do anything to cure the problem of course. He will only throw more money at them which will make it much worse.

London is now swamped with illegal immigrants from Africa and the Islamic world. They also have tremendously high birth rates. I would guess that in 10-15 years, this will be finished as a city. Violent crime is spiralling higher and higher and the Government seems more keen to crack down on “homophobia” and “hate crimes.” The Tories are no better.

Can I say this country is finished? Unlike Mark Steyn it gives me no pleasure to say this. I would love to have some of the old British virtues back – their sense of bearing, their self-restraint, their fear of God, their love of country, their self-confidence and their prudence. All those things are, however, dead.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 13, 2006 05:41 PM | Send

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