The solution to the Islam-in-the-West problem?

Zubair Butt Hussain, a Muslim in Denmark, complains about what he sees as the systematic anti-Muslim attitudes in Danish society that, he says, culminated in the publication of (mostly benign and innocuous) cartoons of Muhammad in a Danish newspaper that have outraged Muslims around the world. He concludes:

The persecution of Muslims in public fora serves only to dig trenches in society and lessens the chance of conducting any constructive dialogue. I personally predict that Danish Muslims will eventually emigrate to other European countries where attitudes are less harsh—some well-educated members of the community have already left and others are ready to follow if presented with the opportunity.

A correspondent sent the above item to me with a cover note: “Hey, Larry, can you draw?”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 10, 2006 09:15 PM | Send

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