Muslim immigrant destroys Home Depot

A 24-year-old immigrant from Jordan, a pious Muslim, worked for a while at a Home Depot in Chandler, Arizona, was transferred because he didn’t get along with his supervisor, and six months later returned to the store, crashed into it with his car, and deliberately set the interior ablaze, causing $1 million in damages. His motive?

He told police he was angry at the store management about not getting a proper raise.

He also said he was mad at the United States for proposing a 700-mile fence along the Mexican border and wanted to make the country “more free.”

Since we were talking recently about the lack of proper balance at this site between the issue of Muslim immigration and that of Hispanic immigration, this story reminds us that we can’t entirely separate the two.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 08, 2006 04:58 PM | Send

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