Islamic rape of Western women

FrontPage is red-hot today. The lead article, “Western Muslims’ Racist Rape Spree,” by Sharon Lapkin, is the most hard-hitting and extensive piece I’ve seen on the phenomenon of Muslim men in the West raping, often gang-raping, white Western women. Over and over, both the rapists and Muslim leaders justify the rapes on the basis of the Western women’s revealing clothing. While Western women certainly do dress too revealingly today, only Muslims use this as an excuse to rape, beat, and torture. Clearly the liberal West and Islam are incompatible.

What is also remarkable about the piece is that Lapkin does not call for greater efforts at assimilation, since, as she puts it, Muslims themselves are the problem. “In three decades of immigration into Western countries,” she writes, “Islam has caused social upheaval and havoc in every one of its host countries. No other immigration program has encountered [these] problems of non-assimilation … ”

This issue presents several levels of truth, each one of which is suppressed by the reigning liberal orthodoxy. These are: what is happening; why it is happening; what it signifies about Islam and the prospects of Muslim assimilation in the West; and what is the solution.

The first level of suppressed truth is the rape epidemic itself, which the liberal media for the most part refuse to report. The second level of suppressed truth is that even when the rape campaign is acknowledged, liberal elites refuse to see that Islam and Islamic attitudes are responsible. Instead, they excuse the rape campaign in the usual liberal manner, seeing it as a problem of insufficient “assimilation” that the host society needs to work on harder. Only in this case, it’s the host society itself that must “assimilate” to the Muslims. Lapkin quotes a Norwegian professor who says Norwegian women need to change the way they dress so as to adapt to the presence of religiously conservatives Muslims in their country. (The professor does not say how far this adoption of female Muslim dress must go in order to assure Western women’s safety.)

However, while the rape may be motivated in part by the spontaneous outrage of Muslim men at Western women who are “dressed as whores,” the deeper reason, which Lapkin herself does not mention (and may not be aware of), is jihad. Rape has always been a prime method used by Muslim warriors to terrorize and demoralize non-Muslim populations. Contained in jihad is the idea that anything is permitted against non-Muslims, up to and including their degradation, dispossession, enslavement, and murder.

The third stage of suppressed truth is the failure to acknowledge that the rape epidemic is proof (one among many others) that Islam is simply incompatible with Western society or any non-Muslim society. The fourth stage of suppressed truth is the refusal to see that the only possible way to solve the problem is to initiate the removal of Muslims from the West.

Of course, I’m getting a bit ahead of things here. The West is still stuck in stage one and has barely gotten to stage two, with stages three and four not even on the horizon of mainstream debate. Western opinion has barely acknowledged the existence of systematic Muslim rape of non-Muslim girls and women, let alone reflected on the cause of this crime, which is Islam itself and the encounter between Muslims and the liberal West. Nor has Western opinion realized that the rape epidemic (and the religious agenda that fuels it) is a sign of the absolute unassimilability of large Muslim populations in the West. Nor has it yet conceived of the only possible solution to the problem, namely the happy return of Muslims to the Dar al-Islam.

We thus have a long way to go before we grapple successfully with this dread threat to our freedoms, our lives, and our civilization, but signs of progress are clearly to be seen.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 27, 2005 01:52 PM | Send

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