Wall Street Journal critiques its own Wilsonianism

Here’s a surprise—a genuinely traditionalist conservative credo, by Jeffrey Hart, appearing in today’s Opinion Journal. Hart talks up the importance of nationhood, of traditional (i.e. high, not low) Christianity, and the folly of Wilsonian crusades to impose democracy on foreign cultures. Such opinions are, of course, repugnant to the borderless-world capitalist ideologues who run the Journal’s editorial page. But it’s Christmas season, after all, so I suppose they thought it would be nice to allow the views of the former conservative movement to be represented in their publication for once. Or perhaps their running of the Hart piece is an admission that neoconservative universal democratism has not turned out to be such a great idea.

An odd note is that Hart surrenders to the actuality of abortion as an expression of our current social state. This was not necessary. He could have simply called for the repeal of Roe v. Wade, while acknowledging that when the abortion question is properly returned to the states, most states, given today’s social attitudes, will probably maintain abortion rights, though not in as sweeping a form as under the constitutional monstrosity of Roe.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 27, 2005 10:45 AM | Send

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