Merkel reviving the Undead

Gerhard Schroeder, Social Democrat, was defeated by Angela Merkel, Christian Democrat. A leftist succeeded by a conservative, right? Wrong. According to Paul Belien at The Brussels Journal, Merkel, Germany’s first female chancellor, is seeking to revive the European constitution, which everyone had said was dead in the water after it was defeated by the voters of France and the Netherlands earlier this year. And the way she is doing this is even more alarming. The French left voted against the constitutional treaty because they felt it didn’t have enough of those famous “social” protections. So Merkel is seeking to add a “social chapter” to the constitution, which it previously lacked, in order to win over the French left; then she plans to push for a new constitutional referendum in France when she becomes temporary rotating president of the EU in 2007.

So, Merkel is determined to pass the EU constitution no matter what; she despises popular elections that have rejected the constitution and proceeds as if they never took place; and, in order to get the constitution passed, she is making it even more socialistic than it was before. This is a European “conservative.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 26, 2005 12:32 AM | Send

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